Independent Living

​Independent living means that each of our residents can enjoy living life, at their own space while we take care of the other things like meals, cleaning, activities, exercises and entertainment with their friends and communities. Package range : IDR 3,5 mio - IDR 5 mio per month

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Assisted Living

This is care that is given to a beloved elderly one who requires help with his or her physical and emotional need. With our 24-hour service care offers will made our residents feel secure, safe and as independent as desired. Package range : IDR 6 mio - IDR 12 mio per month (depend on the facilities and assistance needed)

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Day Care

Bumi Home Day Care is intended for short term of living due to temporary unassisted period such as family out of town reason, so that our elderly loved ones may not feel lonely and isolated and may feel at their own home Package range : IDR 1 mio - IDR 3 mio per day

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