How to visit Bumi Senior Living

You may contact or email information contact on the website. We will respond your queries shortly. Or you may come to our home directly at Jl Grobogan no 41 Banyudono, Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. We will greet you and share our eco living home 

What should a new resident bring?

New residents can bring light clothing and personal items that will comfort them or they can bring along such as family photos, or a treasured blanket or pillow to warm their heart. Whatever items that can help provide comfort during a patient or resident’s stay would be welcome.

Can residents have their privacy?

At Bumi Senior Living, we strive to strike a balance between providing security and adequate assistance while respecting each person’s privacy.  Common areas in the nursing facility tend to be open, while the resident rooms are considered private.

Can family have some visits?

Absolutely!  We welcome every member of family to visit their loved ones. We provide convenience guest room and family rooms to stay. We even have exciting activities for families to mantain the strong bonding